Description of goods and/or services

Stardust Sprinkles is a business in the retail industry that supplies baking products to the public and industry professionals. Guarantees or warranties are provided in respect of certain goods as per Stardust Sprinkles.

Delivery policy

Subject to stock availability and receipt of payment, online orders will be processed and delivered with 3 to 5 working days and delivery confirmed by way of a tracking number. Stardust Sprinkles utilises a courier service for deliveries and the associated costs pertaining to any delivery will be indicated as the “Shipping” charge on your order. Delivery to outlying areas may have an extended delivery time and higher charge. Stardust Sprinkles obligation to deliver an item is fulfilled when it delivers the item to the physical address nominated by the customer for delivery of the order. All risk of damage or loss and title for such item shall pass to the customer upon delivery by Stardust Sprinkles to the courier.

*This product delivery is quoted separately and NOT part of checkout delivery price.

Delivery Charge is R130 for up to 10kgs.  Over and above an additional charge of R8 will be added per kg.

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Export restriction

The offering on this website is available to South African clients only, for delivery in South Africa only.

Availability and Pricing

The provision of goods and services by Stardust Sprinkles is subject to availability. In cases of unavailability, Stardust Sprinkles will refund the payment received from the customer in respect of such goods or services within 30 days. Prices and specifications reflected on this website are subject to change without notice.

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Cancellation policy

Cancellation of orders by the customer may be done prior to the dispatch of the item, but will attract a 2% administration fee on the total order value. Once the item has been delivered to the courier by Stardust Sprinkles, there may be no cancellation of the order by the customer (See Exchange, Returns and Refunds policy below).

Stardust Sprinkles reserves the right to cancel an order for which payment has already been received. This may occur if stock is insufficient or the quality of goods ordered does not meet the Provider’s standards. Should the Provider exercise this right, the User will receive a full refund with no deductions.

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Returns policy

Our returns policy is straight forward. Unfortunately we don’t take returns. Reason being to protect you the consumer! Once the goods have left us, they are beyond our control. Since it is a food product we cannot accept any products back from customers, as we have no idea what might have happened to them while they were out of our control.

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Customer privacy policy

Stardust Sprinkles shall take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of users. For the purpose of this clause, “personal information” shall be defined as detailed in the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA).

The PAIA may be downloaded from: www.polity.org.za

Payment options accepted

Payment may be made via Visa, MasterCard SID via Payfast, via EFT

Credit card acquiring and security

All online credit card payments are processed by the PayFast Internet Payment Gateway. Card Holders may go to www.payfast.co.za to view PayFast security policies.

Customer details separate from card details Customer details will be stored by Stardust Sprinkles separately from card details which are entered by the client on PayFast secure site.

The merchant outlet country at the time of presenting payment options to the cardholder is South Africa. Transaction Currency is South African Rand (ZAR).

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Stardust Sprinkles takes responsibility for all aspects relating to the transaction including sale of goods and services sold on this website, customer service and support, dispute resolution and delivery of goods.

Country of domicile

This website is governed by the laws of South Africa and Stardust Sprinkles chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature, General De La Rey Street, Polokwane, South Africa.


Stardust Sprinkles may, in its sole discretion, change this agreement or any part thereof at any time without notice.

Stardust Sprinkles reserves the right to limit quantities.

Pictures may vary from actual product.

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Company information

This website is run by Stardust Sprinkles (Registration Number 2021/500497/07) based in South Africa. Directors are Feroz Cassim, Yolanda Liebenberg.

Contact details

Support email: info@stardustsprinkles.co.za Support telephone: WhatsApp ‪+27 76 786 3254 / Mobile: ‪+27 76 786 3254